COMP213(SEC403) - Web Interface Design Fall 2022

Student Name: Jacob Good - Student Number: 301070648


Websites about Protected Areas Issues


What is Terrestrial Protected Area

A fully or partially protected area that is at least 1,000 hectares in size is referred to as a terrestrial protected area. They include areas that are managed primarily for sustainable use, protected landscapes, national parks, natural monuments, nature reserves, or wildlife sanctuaries, as well as those that are designated by national authorities as scientific reserves with restricted public access.

= 0% - 5% designated as protected
= 5% - 10% designated as protected
= 10% - 20% designated as protected
= 20% - 30% designated as protected
= 30% - 100% designated as protected

The image on the right shows protected land areas in the year 2021 with a golbal 14.6% of land protected. (Ritchie, 2021).

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Call to Action

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The Importance of Protected Areas

Through strict protection and optimal management methods for biodiversity conservation, protected areas can lessen forest fragmentation and degradation. According to experts, these sites will increase carbon sequestration if they are well protected. Protected areas have been shown to be an effective method for preserving huge amounts of forest cover. They can also increase the ability of ecosystems and landscapes to adapt to climate change and offer safety through their genetic resources and ecosystem services.

Important Benfits

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Adventure Travel & Nature Tours | Natural Habitat Adventures. (2022). Natural
Ritchie, H. (2021, April 15). Protected Areas and Conservation. Our World in
Frontline. (2018, August 21). The importance of protected
Protected Areas Have a Lot of Benefits. Here's How to Maximize Them. (n.d.). Campaign for
I want to create a small square colour filled box in HTML & CSS. (2018, March 2). Stack
Protected areas and land use. (n.d.). IUCN.

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©  Copyright Jacob Good, Student Number: 301070648. COMP213 - Web Interface Design Fall 2022 - Assignment 2